Who We Are
Our Mission
To instill spiritual wisdom, values, and tools that will help our young people grow into conscious, loving, independent, resourceful, and sharing global citizens.
We continuously develop content, materials, and events that provide a support system for our youth to create a better future
for themselves and the world.
Our lessons are designed to communicate deep spiritual concepts to youth through fun and interactive education.
Our Why
The Problem at Hand
The United States is experiencing an extreme teenage
mental-health crisis.
According to a new CDC Study, from 2009 to 2021, the share of American high-school students who say they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26% to 44%. This is the highest level of teenage sadness ever recorded.
Objective measures of anxiety and depression—such as eating disorders, self-harming behavior, and teen suicides—are sharply up over the past decade. “Across the country, we have witnessed dramatic increases in Emergency Department visits for all mental health emergencies, including suspected suicide attempts.”
In fact, this trend is global. Collectively, we are experiencing a mental health epidemic like no other time before in human history.
According to the World Health Organization, “the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression world-wide. There has been a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance use disorders in the last decade (to 2017). Mental health conditions now cause 1 in 5 years lived with disability. Around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition, with suicide the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. Approximately one in five people in post-conflict settings have a mental health condition.”
Research shows mental health conditions can have a significant effect on all areas of our lives, “such as school or work performance, relationships with family and friends and ability to participate in community” (WHO). Part of growing up is learning how to release and transform negative emotions in the face of inevitable stress. Resilience is a trait that is crucial for young people to develop, probably now more than ever, in order to not just survive but thrive in life.
What Do Kids Need?
Kabbalist Rav Klonymous Kalman Shapira wrote it best in his book Chovat HaTalmidim (Students’ Obligation): “We want to accustom youth to the ways of spirituality, since they are maturing earlier and earlier, and their emotions are impacting early…”
Dr. Lisa Miller, professor of psychology and education at Columbia University, founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and author of “The Spiritual Child” and “The Awakened Brain,” echoes what the Kabbalists have long been asserting – spirituality isn’t a luxury it’s a necessity. Miller shares, “In the realm of human experience, there is no single factor that will protect your adolescent like a personal sense of spirituality.”
The greatest epidemic of our time is suicide in young adults, and science now clearly shows us we are 4/5th’s less likely to take our lives when we have a strong spiritual life that is shared (communal). Miller’s research also shows teens who have a genuine relationship with a higher power (compared to those who don’t or who are simply religious) are 70-80% less likely to heavily use or abuse substances and are 80% less likely to have a recurring depression.
The Roots Philosophy
Kabbalists teach that a connection to one’s soul is the seed of all happiness and fulfillment, yet most human beings walk around not knowing the capacity of their soul or how to live in alignment with it. When we are disconnected from our souls, we may connect with temporary moments of pleasure, but the long-term, consistent sense of peace and joy we all seek is out of reach.
We believe the wisdom of the Zohar, the foundational text of Kabbalah, offers a unique approach to spiritual wellness. The teachings assert that the Creator designed humans “in a similar way to the art and painting of the world… every human being reflects the entire world within himself and thus is called a microcosmos.” (Lech Lecha v. 330)
Kabbalah teaches that it is essential every young person understand the true power residing within them in order to thrive. Our program seeks to build self-confidence and self-trust as kids are given spiritual tools to discover that everything they need to succeed is already within them. Every class, event, experience, service, and book we offer is designed to help youth realize they can be the creators of their lives if they shift their focus internally to their soul instead of depending on factors outside of them to dictate their happiness.
Roots programs & services
Ages 5-22
Classes & Courses
In-person & online
Deep spiritual concepts through new, fun, and interactive lessons
Holidays, Retreats, & Shabbats
Fun, educational videos for holidays to internalize windows in time
Experiential retreats for life skills, meaningful personal reflection, and peer connection
Dynamic Shabbat experiences tailored to youth
Mentor Program
Group support
One-on-one spiritual guidance
Volunteer Program
Fun, age-appropriate volunteer activities, such as: planting trees, visiting children’s hospitals, mentoring youth, and building homes
Parental Support
Parenting classes and courses in-person and online
One-on-one support for raising spiritually-minded children and conscientious adults